Prospective graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists interested in pursuing research in the Nanophotonics Laboratory should contact Professor Yang by email:
To apply, please send the following application materials in a single PDF file.
1. A curriculum vita including a list of publications.
2. a research statement.
3. transcripts of undergraduate and graduate course work.
4. contact information of two or three references.
5. a copy of your PhD thesis abstract.
6. a copy of one or two papers you have published.
1) Biomedical sensing and imaging: we integrate fiber-optic communication techniques and nanophotonic devices for life science and healthcare applications, targeting molecule interactions, drug discovery, POCT diagnosis, food safety, ultrasound imaging and micro-lasers.
2) Sub-nanometer photonic devices: we explore fundamental new physics in sub-nanometer structures, where the interaction and coupling between photons, plasmons, excitons, phonons and quantum effects become so strong which lead to unconventional phenomenon and unprecedented device performance, targeting single-molecule event detection, single atom weighing, nanometer size highly efficient nonlinear processes, ultra-small information devices and sub-nm resolution imaging.
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