At the Nanophotonics Laboratory, we study and manipulate the propagation and confinement of light at the micro- and nano-scales, explore the interactions between light and matter, and develop novel optoelectronic materials and devices. Our current research subjects include nanophotonic integrated circuit devices, light trapping in photovoltaics, and optical biosensing.

The Nanophotonics Laboratory is led by Professor Tian Yang, and receives strong support from the National Key Laboratory of Nano/Micro Fabrication Technology, the Key Laboratory for Thin Film and Microfabrication of the Ministry of Education, the State Key Lab of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, and the SJTU Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Center. We have access to state-of-the-art nanofabrication facilities and optical and electrical characterization facilities. We have organized the SJTU Multiple Institute Nanophotonics Colloquium and established the Center of Optics and Optoelectronics at the UM-SJTU Joint Institute.
Prospective graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists interested in pursuing research in the Nanophotonics Laboratory should contact Professor Yang by email:
    To apply, please send the following application materials in a single PDF file.
    1. A curriculum vita including a list of publications.
    2. a research statement.
    3. transcripts of undergraduate and graduate course work.
    4. contact information of two or three references.
    5. a copy of your PhD thesis abstract.
6. a copy of one or two papers you have published.
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